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The Awesome Challenge blogs from @fmseiden business owner advice flexyourinfluence Aug 12, 2021

Tell us your business is awesome, without telling us your business is awesome.

If your content is feeling a little stale, never fear — you are not alone. Keeping your content fresh, relevant and eye-catching can feel like an endless cycle without a plan in place. The key is finding new ways...

Summer Reflections blogs from @margmarieb business owner advice women business owners Jul 08, 2021

And, it’s July. That was fast! We are more than halfway through the year, and feeling inspired by the light and free, “out and about” summer atmosphere here in Southern California.  

Many of us are traveling, taking vacations for the first time in over a year. Others are...

Why We Persevere blogs from @fmseiden business owner advice flexyourinfluence Jun 08, 2021

To persevere is to continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success. Or as our Founder & CEO describes, “doing the hard things after you’ve already done the hard things.”

So why do we do the hard things again and again?...

Ready to Recharge (Yes, really. Do it now!) at hand cmo blogs from @margmarieb business owner advice May 06, 2021

It’s been an exciting start to 2021!

We approached this year as many did - with a renewed sense of hope and energy. We are expanding our service offerings, on-boarding new clients and growing our own team, all while continuing to manage life in the pandemic. And now, to be honest,...

Practice Makes Perfect(ish) blogs from @fmseiden business owner advice digital marketing Mar 08, 2021

The real reason consistency matters.

As Malcolm Gladwell writes in his bestselling book Outliers, the key to mastering a skill is practice, and "ten thousand hours is the magic number of greatness."

While this may have been an oversimplification of what it takes to become an expert at something,...